Utk Base Cheesecake
30 pcs biskut oreo buang krim tengah n blend halus
1/4 cawan butter - cairkan
Bahan Filling
1 pack cream cheese Philadelphia- lembutkan
1/2 cup castor sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1/2 cup sour cream - guna plain yougurt pun boleh
2 egg
7 pcs oreo - crush slightly
Sediakan Base: Gaulkan oreo yg diblend halus dgan butter cair..tekan pada loyang yg digris n alas gan tracing paper..put aside..pnaskan oven at 180 celcius
Filling: Beat Cream Cheese with sugar and sour cream till soft, add in vanilla essence and egg mix well..
Masukkan crush oreo.. Put the mixture pada base td..bake abt 45 mins tgk tgh dia dh masak lum cucuk gan lidi..
sejuk kan at least 4 jam or overnite..serve with strawberries or your favorite fruits..

Zaleka kalo boleh U show gambar cheese, sour cream mana tau ada yg x tau cheese/ sour cream tu apa. Tracing paper tu bentuknya mcm mana boleh beli/didapati kat mana..
ReplyDeleteok insyaAllah nnti i amik gmbar cheese yg selalu i guna yer tp sour cream tu leh gantikan gan yougurt, tracing paper tu kertas surih atau yg kita slalu buat tekap peta masa skolah dulu...klau kat kdai baking bnyk..tp kat stasioneries pun ada gak jual.
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